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If you can't have fun with the game of golf, why play!


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Match Play Mayhem - $30 Per Player (Prize Fund Only)

Available for SAGA members only!  Each field limited to 8 players!  There will be 2 alternate spots available in case a player drops out before the start of the event.  A fun way to introduce yourself to the world of Match Play Golf! See Event Flyer and Rules to familiarize yourself with these fun SAGA member exclusive events. Come join in the fun and earn year end SAGA Cup points!

2023 SAGA Cup Champion -
Charlie Comolli!!!

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Click below to view
2024 current points standings

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SAGA Day Golf Trip - TBD

A great chance to get out of town and play new and challenging courses!

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Skills Challenge

Test your skills on a state-of-the-art launch monitor!  Prizes for the winners in each game!

Stay tuned for more details!

Coming Soon
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Social Events

Drinks on the putting green

Club BBQ & Social

Happy Hour on the driving range

Stay tuned for more details!

Coming Soon
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Long Drive Contest

Do you have what it takes to hit the long ball?  Test your skills against some of the biggest hitters in Cochise County!

~Special guest appearance by

Charlie "Long Ball Wacker Guy" Comolli

Coming Soon
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Wedge Putting Contest

If you're struggling to make those crucial putts....F*@% it!  Just leave your putter at home next round and use a wedge!

~Featured Guest Adam "3 Putt" Berns

Coming Soon
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Club Disposal Clinic

When you determine a certain club in your bag as lived it's useful life, it's time to send it to a better place!  Join us for a free clinic on proper club disposal!

~Special Guest Mal Miller

Coming Soon
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